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Writer's pictureThe Musical Tie

Your Time and Goals

If these past two pandemic years have reminded us of anything, it is that time is a luxury that can be interrupted at any moment. We get so busy running on the hamster wheel and falling into a pattern of functioning at top speed, that we sometimes overlook the necessity of taking into account how we truly utilize our time. For some, time passes too quickly when attempting to get everything accomplished by the end of the day—when our checklist is continuously begging for completion. At times, we can find ourselves taking time for granted and possessing the mindset that time will be around for many more years or decades to come. This is where individuals can fall into a pattern of just going with the flow, year after year, or doing the same thing over and over, with thoughts that whisper, “Someday I will do such and such…” or, “In the future, our organization should probably…”

The challenge of time surfaces further if we don’t pause to examine our life’s trajectory and carefully consider how our abilities and talents can best serve others and in what areas we need to improve. Perhaps you are one of those people who does carefully contemplate these items and plans accordingly, but you may also realize the benefit of seeking expert guidance in order to reach your goals more efficiently. Many of us have the fortune of benefiting from fantastic mentors and peers who are able to guide us along the way, yet, there are still situations when we would like additional resources to help us feel more prepared. We have a subtle dynamic at play in the music sector that can be described as “musicians’ pride,” where we can feel awkward asking for help in certain circles because of the pressure we place upon ourselves to know all the answers. Would certain questions make us look inept in our field? With the services The Musical Tie offers, there is no need to worry about this strain, and you can nurture your skills more readily and save yourself from the burden of unnecessary wondering and stress.

In recent years, performing arts students and graduates have constantly been given advice along the lines of, “You have to hustle, think outside the box, and figure out how your career is going to fit into the music sector.” Hence, the terminology for how to be a “21st century musician” came the forefront, and some universities began to reconstruct their curriculum to ensure their graduates’ success as working musicians. Whatever the path chosen, it takes a variety of creative endeavors to form the spokes that allow the music wheel to function with ease.

As you think about your journey and where you feel it is leading you, just know that there are resources to guide you along the way. That’s why The Musical Tie was established—to offer with sincere support, that assistance and that extra push needed to best attain your goals or your organization’s goals.

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